University of Virginia Library



The attribution of this poem is questionable.


When with the deep-empurpled sky,
Some sullen cloud its darkness blends,
And the pale eve, with tearful eye,
Sad on the western wave descends;
If then the Sun his brightest ray
Should from his dun pavilion throw,
How sweetly does his lustre play
On all the smiling scene below!
In solitary beauty bright,
Is seen the giant mountain's crest,
And many a dancing wave of light
Floats on the blue lake's swelling breast.


Glitters with dew each folded flower,
The wild-bird wakes its melody,
And forest copse, and greenwood bower
Softened in yellow radiance lie.
And thus, (her graces who can speak,)
With steps of mildest majesty,
With beauty blooming on her cheek,
And pleasure lightening in her eye;
When her fair form Malvina shows,
The wreathed smile and winning air;
Gone is the cloud of human woes,
Vanished the threatening storm of care.
And other scenes are opening wide,
Lovely as childhood's yesterday;
Gentler the tones of feeling glide,
In softer swell the pulses play.


Delight is kindling as we gaze,
Hope strings her angel lyre to bless;
And all uniting, seem to raise
A more than earth-born happiness.