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The Descent into Hell

Second Edition, Revised and Re-arranged, with an Analysis and Notes: To which are added, Uriel, a Fragment and Three Odes. By John A. Heraud

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He rides upon the Cherubim, among
The Gods, supreme; in orbs concentrick roll
The Worlds beneath his feet, not without song.
One Law, one Spirit, one pervading Soul,
Guides, rules, and animates, in each and all,
And the same God is present to the whole,
Infinite and Eternal. He shall call,
And Time shall answer, and the unflying hours
Rest, like the stars in their ethereal hall,
In fellowship together; and all Powers,
All Energies, of Nature and of Man,
To him yield their dominion..heavenly dowers.


Sun of all Souls! of whom reflection wan,
Thy universal Church shines like the Moon,
Irradiate with thy Glory. Whence began
Truth but in thee? And thou shalt clothe her soon,
She who in the beginning of thy way
Thou didst possess, with everlasting noon—
She who rejoiced before thee, ere the day
Of thy Earth's founding, and took after-joy
Within its habitable parts to play


Delightedly with Men—Oh! Wisdom coy,
Whose Tree of Life the Cherubim ensphered
From touch profane, commissioned to destroy.
Thou wert the Daughter of his Voice, prepared
Before the depths, or ere the fountains flowed;
Thou wert his Sister, and his pleasures shared,
When he the heavens gloriously endowed,
And set a compass on the darkling face
Of the Profound, and its due limits showed;
Thou wert his Bride, enthroned in pride of place,
On Earth; Thou art his mother, seated high
Above the Moon, star-crowned, in virgin grace;
Oh, Wisdom—one in all, unchangeably,
And one with him, whose glory covers thee,
As with a garment, sun-clad, in the sky.