University of Virginia Library



Broken hearted!—broken hearted,
Wildly, wholly broken hearted,
Still she watched for one departed,
While that bruised heart sorely smarted.
Broken hearted!—broken hearted,
Withered, like a stricken flower;
Yet one gleam of winged hope darted
Through the horrors of that hour!
“Broken hearted!—broken hearted,
With a love so fond and true,
Oh! it surely hath imparted,
Of its truth some share to you.


“Broken hearted!—broken hearted,
Still my thoughts, my pangs renew;
Yet methinks, thus lorn and parted,
Some kind memories are my due!”
Broken hearted!—broken hearted,
Still she sought Hope's fires to fan,
Ever mocked and ever thwarted,
When to flash, those fires began.
Broken hearted!—broken hearted,
Vain were energies exerted,
Still the tears of anguish started,
Till she died for the departed!