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Air—“As I was riding out one day”.


There is a stream mid Houra's dells
That dances downward fleetly,
That mirrors rocks and heather-bells
And sings by wild woods sweetly,
With drooping birch and Drinan Dhun
Its vernal banks adorning,—
And there my love with sweet smiles won
My fond heart in the morning.


God bless the May that brought to me
The love that nought can sunder!
God bless the odorous Drinan tree,
That we sat fondly under!
The skies were blue, the clouds were bright,
The valleys shade and splendour,
And Annie's eyes were filled with light
Of love all true and tender.


And oft within that valley lone
We met on May-days after,
While aye the stream went murmuring on
With sounds like fairy laughter;
'Tis there a rill, but far below
It winds, a calm bright river,—
Thus may our firm love forward go,
Increasing on for ever!