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A Journey to Hell

or, A Visit paid to the Devil. A poem. The Second Edition [by Edward Ward]

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For Liberty aloud they croak'd and cry'd,
Which, when they'd Pow'r, to others they deny'd,
Nor ever could they peaceably enjoy
A kind Indulgence, or a great Employ,
But when obtain'd, the favour they abus'd,
And clamour'd when the Throne their Suit refus'd:
Forgot the former Bounties they receiv'd,
And were, at one Repulse, so vex'd and griev'd,
That all the Thanks and Duty which they ow'd,
Were basely turn'd into Ingratitude.
So envious Witches, on the least disgust,
Torment their greatest Benefactors most;
Because Infernal Malice but extends,
Instead of hurting Foes, to injure Friends.