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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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Painter, if thou canst safely gaze
On all the Wonders of that Face;
If thou hast Charms to guard a Heart
Secure by Secrets of thy Art;
O! teach the mighty Charm, that We
May gaze securely too, like thee.
Canst thou Love's brightest Light'ning draw,
Which none e'er yet unwounded saw?
To what then wilt thou next aspire,
Unless to imitate Jove's Fire?
Which is a less advent'rous Pride,
Tho' 'twas for That Salmoneus dy'd.
That beauteous, that victorious Fair,
Whose Chains so many Lovers wear;
Who with a Look can Arts infuse,
Create a Painter, or a Muse;
Whom Crouds with awful Rapture view;
She sits Serene, and smiles on You!
Your Genius thus inspir'd will soar
To wondrous Heights unknown before,
And to her Beauty you will own
Your future Skill and fix'd Renown.


So when of old great Ammon's Son,
Adorn'd with Spoils in Battle won,
In graceful Picture chose to stand,
The Work of fam'd Apelles' Hand;
‘Exert thy Fire, the Monarch said,
‘Now be thy boldest Strokes display'd,
‘To let admiring Nations see
‘Their dreaded Victor drawn by thee;
‘To Others thou mayst Life impart,
‘But I'll Immortalize thy Art!