University of Virginia Library


Let these claim all your thoughts exactest care.
To these add Fasting, Alms, and fervent Pray'r.

Matth. 6.

If you desire your Fasts successful prove
Fear'd Ills t'avert, or what you feel remove,
Not like those Hypocrites distort your Face
Who make an ugly Look a mark of Grace:
Who with rough Robes and Sack-cloth raze their skin


Or cut with Whips, or lance it deeper in,
And mortifie themselves, but not their Sin.
Your Alms dispense as Stars shoot silent Light


Untrack'd and large thro' the dark Realms of Night.
In all let no vain Ostentation be.
To your good Deeds, no witness ask but me.
They shall not pass without a kind regard
But at the last Great-Day I'll them reward.
Discreet, yet warm and zealous be your Pray'r

Matth. 25. 35, &c.

And still and silent as the Angels are.
Since you a Form for your Direction need

Matth. 6. 5.

Thus let your faithful Vows to Heav'n proceed.