University of Virginia Library

The Poor Whore's Song, in allusion to the Begging Souldier, Good your Worship cast an Eye, &c.

Good young Leacher cast an Eye
Upon a poor Whores misery:
Let not my antiquated Front
Make you less free than you were wont.
But like a noble Rogue
Do but disembogue,
And you shall have our constant vogue;
For I am none of those
That a bulking goes,
And often shows
Their Bridewell blows,


Or New Prison Lash,
For filing of Cash,
Or nimming Prigsters of their Trash.
But I at Court have often been
Within the view of King and Queen;
A Guiney to me was no more
Than Fifteen Pence to a Suburb Whore:
And when he did tilt,
I did briskly jilt,
And swallow'd Pego to the Hilt.
A Pox was very near,
For Bubo did appear,
Had not my Surgeon then been there.
Once at the Bear in Drury Lane
The Bullies left me for a Pawn;
But I made my party good,
To Fifteen Guinneys and a Broad.


Oh you wou'd little ween
How that I have been
As great a Jilt as e'er was seen.
But if Mother Bennet came
With a Wheedle or a Flam,
She'd tell you how I cut the Sham.
From thence I march'd to Creswels House,
Under the name of a Merchants Spouse;
And there I play'd the secret Lover,
Lest jealous Husband shou'd discover.
Oh then came in the Rings,
And such like things,
Which eldest Prentice often brings.
But now my poor—
Contrary to its wont,
Must pocket any small Affront.