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Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions

Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason]

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XXX. A Song of Praise for the Hope of Glory.


I soiourn in a Vale of Tears.
Alas, how can I Sing!
My Harp doth on the VVillows hang,
Dis-tun'd in every String.
My Musick is a Captives Chains,
Harsh Sounds my Ears do Fill.
How shall I Sing Sweet Sions Song
On this Side Sions Hill?


Yet Lo I hear a Joyful Sound
Surely I quickly come.


Each word much sweetness doth distill
Like a full Honey Comb.
And dost thou come my dearest Lord?
And dost thou surely come?
And dost thou surely quickly come?
Me thinks I am at Home.


Come then my dearest, dearest Lord,
My Sweetest, surest Friend.
Come, for I Loath these Kedar Tents,
Thy Fiery Chariots send.
What have I here; My thoughts and Joys,
Are all pack'd up and gone.
My Eager Soul would follow them
To thine Eternal Throne.


What have I in this barren Land?
My Jesus is not here.
Mine Eyes will ne're be Blest until
My Jesus doth Appear.
My Jesus is gone up to Heav'n
To get a place for Me.
For 'tis his Will that where he is,
There should his Servants be.



Canaan I view from Pisgahs top;
Of Canaans Grapes I tast.
My Lord who sends unto me here
Will Send for Me at last.
I have a God that Changeth not.
Why should I be perplext?
My God that owns Me in this World,
Will own Me in the next.


Go fearless then, my Soul, with God,
Into another Room.
Thou who hast walked with him here,
Go see thy God at Home.
View Death with a Believing Ey.
It hath an Angels Face.
And this kind Angel will prefer
Thee to an Angels place.


The Grave is but a Fining Pot
Unto Believing Eyes:
For there the Flesh shall lose its dross,
And like the Sun shall rise.


The world, which I have known too well
Hath mock'd Me with its Lies.
How gladly could I leave behind
Its vexing Vanities?


My dearest Friends they dwell above,
Them will I go to See,
And all my Friends in Christ below
Will soon come after Me.
Fear not the Trumps Earth rending Sound,
Dread not the Day of Doom.
For He that is to be thy Judge,
Thy Saviour is become.


Blest be my God that gives me Light,
Who in the dark did Grope.
Blest be my God, the God of Love,
Who causeth me to hope.
Here's the Words Signet, Comforts Staffe,
And here is Graces Chain.
By these thy Pledges, Lord, I know
My Hopes are not in Vain.