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FABLE XIII. The Ape and her Whelps:

Or, The Fondling ruin'd.

An Ape, that Twins into the World had brought,
Lov'd one, and hated t'other, to a fault:
For the Rejected Whelp she took no care;
The Darling, from her Arms cou'd never spare:
Till, in her sleep, she, by too close a hug,
In height of Fondness, Overlaid her Pug.
The Dam, thus of her Favourite depriv'd,
Express'd some small Concern for him that liv'd;
Who soon grew up, and very hopeful prov'd,
Because, tho' less, with greater Prudence lov'd.


‘Parents, whose Love to Children oft' is blind,
‘To those they most Indulge, are most Unkind:
‘For Youth, that wants Discretion what to choose,
‘Declines to Vice, when giv'n too great a Loose,
‘Hence the fond Father, by his sad Mistake,
‘Finds his Hopes blasted, and his Son a Rake:
‘But stricter Discipline to Virtue tends,
‘Improves the Child, and gains the Parent's Ends.