University of Virginia Library


XLII. Bothe man and chielde, haue myende of þis,
How god is sonne of blis
Of Marie myelde man become is
To deye for mannys mys.


A mayden myelde hath borne a chielde,
A chielde of full grete price,
And is a moder vndefielde
And quene of paradice.


The king of blis his fader is,
And Ihesus is his name:
To bringe mankyende to heven blis
He hathe borne mannes blame.


He was and is and ay shall be
(I take recorde of Iohn),
Ay thre in personalite,
In deite but oon.


And in a stalle this chielde was born
Bitwene bothe oxe and asse
To save, for synne that was forlorn,
Mankyende, as his wille wasse.


Whenne he was borne, that heuenly king,
Of Mary, quene of blis,
Than: ‘Gloria,’ aungellis did synge,
‘Deo in excelsis.’


The prophecy of Isay
And prophetes alle and sume
Now ended is thus finally,
For god is man become.


Nowe laude we god of heven blis
With hert, with wille and myende,
That of a mayde man bicom is
To blis to bringe mankyende.