University of Virginia Library

The .xxx. Psalme.

I wyl prayse the (O Lorde) because thou haste me broke and worne:
But haste not suffered my foes, for to laugh me to scorne.
O Lorde my God, in my sycknes I haue cryed to the:
I haue called on the, I saye, and thou haste healed me.
Lorde thou haste called my soule backe, frō the brym of the pyt:
And haste restored me, that I shoulde not fal into it.
Ye that haue felt the Lordes mercye, synge a Psalme vnto hym:
Set forth the memorye of hys holynes with an hymne.

For his anger bydeth not longe, and when he is pleased:
He geueth lyfe vnto ech man, that hath on hym trusted.
Though they come home wepeynge at nyght wyth a sorowefull voyce:
Yett in the morne cometh gladnes, they shal agayne reioyce.
Certenly I sayde in this wyse in my prosperitie:
I wyll neuer bowe nor yet bend, but stande vp styll stoutly.
For thou (O Lorde) hadst placed strength on thy seruantes mountayne:
But as sone as thy face was hyd, I was troubled agayne.
Unto the my Lorde dyd I calle, in this myne heauie case:
And dyd wyth moste erneste prayar, fall downe before thy face.
What should my bloude profyte if I should go downe to the pyt?
Shall dust prayse the? or shall thy trueth be declared by it?
O Lorde, heare and graunt my requeste, be mercifull to me:
O Lorde I saye be thou myne helpe I hūbly besech the.
My wepynd and waylyng thou hast into a dawnce turned:

So haste thou loosed my sakcloth, & me wyth ioye clothed.
Wherfore ech man shal synge to the, glorie wythouten staye:
O Lorde my God for euer more I wyll prayse the I saye.