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No fiers force, nor rūbling rage of boistrus blustring winde,
No dart shot whirling in the skies, such terrour to ye minde
Can driue, as when ye ireful wife doth boile in burning hate
Depriued of her spousall bed, and comfort of her mate,
Nor where the stormy southerne winde with dankish dabby face,
Of hoary winter sendeth out the gusshing showres apace.
Where veighment Isters waumbling streame comes waltring downe amayne,
Forbidding both the banks to meete, & cannot oft contayne
Him selfe within his channels scoupe, but further breakes his way,
Nor Rodanus whose russhing streame doth launch into the sea,
Or when amid the floured spring with hotter burning sunne,
The winters snowes disolude with heate downe to the ryuers runne:
The clottred top of Haemus hill to water thin doth turne,
Such desperate gogin flame is wrath that inwardly doth burne,
And modest rule regardeth not, nor brydeis can abyde,
Nor dreading death, doth wish on dinte of naked blade to slyde.
O Gods be gracious vnto vs, for pardon we do craue,
That him who tamde the scuffling waues, vouchsafe yee would to saue.
But Neptune yet the Lord of Seas with frowning face will lower,
That ouer his second Scepter men to tryumph haue the power.
The boy that rashly durst attempt that great vnweldy charge
Of Phœbus euerlasting Carte, and rouing out at large,
Not bearing in his recklesse breast his fathers warnings wyse,
Was burned with the flames which hee did scatter in the Skyes.


None knew the costly glimsing glades, where straggling Phaëton rode,
Passe not the path, where people safe in former tyme haue trode.
O fondling, wilfull, wanton boy, doe not dissolue the frame
Of heauen, sith Ioue with sacred hand hath halowed the same.
Who rowde with valiaunt Oares tough, that were for Argo made,
Hath powled naked Pelion mounte of thycke compacted shade.
Who entred hath the fleeting rockes and serched out the toyle
And tyring trauels of the seas, and hath on saluage soyle
Knit fast his stretched Cable rope, and going forth to land.
To cloyne away the forren golde with greedy snatching hand.
Unto the seas (because that hee transgrest theyr lawes deuine)
By this vnlucky ende of his, he payes his forfeyte fine.
The troubled seas of theyr vnrest for vengeaunce howle and weepe.
Syr Typhis who did conquer fyrst the daunger of the deepe,
Hath yeelded vp the cunning rule of his vnweldy sterne,
To such a guide, as for that vse hath neede as yet to learne.
Who giuing vp his Ghost aloofe from of his natiue lande,
In forreyn more lyes buryed vile with durty soddes in sande.
He sits among the flittring soules that straungers to him weare.
And Aulis Isle that in her minde her masters losse doth beare,
Held in the Ships, to stand and wayle in croking narrow nooke:
That Orpheus Calliops sonne who stayde the running Brooke,
Whyle he recordes on heauenly Harpe with twanckling finger fine,
The wynde layde downe his pipling blastes: his harmony diuine
Procurde the woods to styr them selues, and trees in traynes along
Came forth with byrds that held their layes and listned to his song.
With lims on sunder rent in fielde of Thrace he lyeth dead.
Up to the top of Heber floude, eke haled was his head.
Gone downe he is to Stygian dampes, which scene hee had before,
And Tartar boyling pits, from whence returne hee shall no more.
Alcydes banging bat did bringe the Northern laddes to grounde.
To Achelo of sundry shapes he gaue his mortall wounde.
Yet after he could purchase peace both vnto sea and land,
And after Ditis dungeon blacke rent open by his hand,
He lyuing spred himselfe along on burning Oetas hill:
His members in his proper flame the wretch did thrust to spill:
His bloud he brewd with Nestors bloud, and lost his lothsome lyfe
By traytrous gyft that poysoned shyrt receaued of his wyfe.
With tuske of bristled groyning Bore Anceus lyms were torne.
O Meleagar (wicked wight) to graue by thee were borne


Thy mothers brethren twayne, and shee, for it with ruthfull hand,
Hath wrought thy dolefull desteny, to burne thy fatall brand.
The rash attempting Argonantes deserued all the death
That Hylas whom Alcides lost bereft of fading breath.
That springall which in sowsing waues of waters drowned was:
Goe now yee lusty bloudes, the Seas: with doubtfull lot to passe.
Though Idmon had the calking skyll of destenies before,
The serpent made him leaue his lyfe in tombe of Liby shore.
And Mopsus that to other men could well theyr fates escry,
Yet onely did deceyue him selfe vncertayne where to dy,
And he that could the secret hap of things to come vnfoulde,
Yet dyde not in his countrey Thebes. Dame Thetis husband oulde
Did wander like an outlawde man. Our Palimedes syre
Did headlong whelm him selfe in seas. Who at the Greekes retyre
From Troy, to rushe on rockes did them alure with wily light,
Stout Aiax Oleus did sustayne the dint of thunder bright,
And cruell storme of surging seas, to quite the haynous guilt,
That by his countrey was commit, in seas he lyeth spilt.
Alceste to redeeme her husbands Phereus lyfe from death,
The godly Wyfe vpon her spouse bestowed her panting breath.
Proude Pelias that wretch him selfe who bad them first assay
The golden Fleece that booty braue by ship to fetch away,
Perboylde in glowing cauldron hoate with feruent heate hee fryes,
And fleeting peece meale vp and downe in water thin he lyes.
Inough, inough, reuenged are O Gods the wronges of seas,
Be good to Iason, doing that hee did, his Game to please.