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Argalvs and Parthenia

Written by Fra: Quarles

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And were the Sun-beames of those eyes too fierce
For mortall view? Or did those fires disperse
Flames too consuming for th'amaz'd beholder?
Or did thy youth make treason e're the bolder
To staine that brow; and, by a midnight theft.
To steale more beauty, then the day had left?
Or did that blinde, that childish god descry
A kinde of twilight from that heauenly eye,
Which, ouer-bright, he sought to make more dim,
By blurring that, which, else, had blasted him?
Or did the Sea borne Goddesse-Queene repine
To see her star so much outshone by thine,
And, fild with rage, and enuious despight,
Sent downe a cloud, t'eclipse so faire a light?
Or did the wiser deities foresee
This likely danger; that when men should see
So bright a Lampe, fearing they should commit
Such sweet Idolatry, benighted it?
Or did the too too carefull gods conspire
A good for man, transcending mans desire,
And knowing such an eye too bright for any,
Gaue it a wound, lest it should wound too many?
If so they meant, they might haue bin more kinde
To saue that beauty, and haue strucke vs blind.