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Mvsicall phansies: fitting the Covrt, Citie, and Covntrey Hvmovrs. To 3, 4, and 5. Voyces

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A Christmas Carroll.



O thou man, O thou man.
Remember O thou man
Thy time is spent,
Remember O thou man,
How thou art dead and gone,
And I did what I can,
Therefore repent.


Remember Adams fall
O thou man, O thou man,
Remember Adams fall
From heauen to hell.
Remember Adams fall
How we were condemned all
In hell perpetuall
there for to dwell.


Remember Gods goodnesse
O thou man, O thou man,
Remember Gods goodnesse
And his promise made.
Remember Gods goodnesse,
How he sent his sonne doubtlesse
Our sinnes for to redresse,
be not affraid.


The Angels all did sing,
O thou man, O thou man.
The Angels all did sing
Vpon the Shepheards hill.
The Angels all did singe
Praises to our heauenly King,
And peace to man liuing
with a good will.


The shepheards amazed was,
O thou man, O thou man.
The shepheards amazed was
To heare the Angels sing,
The shepheards amazed was
How it should come to passe
That Christ our Messias
should be our King.


To Bethlem did they goe,
O thou man, O thou man,
To Bethlem did they go
The shepheards three,
To Bethlem did they goe
To see where it were so or no,
Whether Christ were borne or no
to set man free.


As the Angels before did say,
O thou man, O thou man,

As the Angels before did say,
So it came to passe,
As the Angels before did say,
They found a babe whereas it lay
In a manger wrapt in hay,
so poore he was.


In Bethlem he was borne,
O thou man, O thou man,
In Bethlem he was borne,
For mankind sake,
In Bethlem he was borne
For vs that were forlorne,
And therefore tooke no scorn
our flesh to take.


Giue thanks to God alway,
O thou man, O thou man,
Giue thanks to God alway
With heart most ioyfully,
Giue thankes to God alway,
For this our happy day,
Let all men sing and say
holy, holy.