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Poems Divine, and Humane

By Thomas Beedome

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Epitaphium Regis Swedorum.
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Epitaphium Regis Swedorum.

Here sleepes hee who was and is
The subject of eternall blisse.
Religion, and no other end,
Caus'd him his blood & means to spend.
He conquer'd all, onely his breath,
He lost, by which he conquer'd death.
Now would'st thou know whom we deplore
'Tis Sweaden, Reader, husht no more:
Lest while thou read, thou and this stone
Be both alike, by death made one.
For death and griefe are neare of kinne,
So thou might'st die, being griev'd for him.
Cuius memoriae sacratae haec pie flevit
Tho. Beedome.