University of Virginia Library


29. Vpon the: 5: th of November

The mighty Mavors, jealous to behold
A Mars more mighty nor himselfe below,
Did once resolve his Rivall to Ore'throw
By assassins whome open force made bold.
But finding there that open force did fold
Vnder the Princely valour of his foe,
Hee then determin'd to assayle him soe
As noe defence should his offence withhold.
Thus comes he downe to Plutoes pale abode,
And there for fyre and Brimstone straight doth call,
Where with he thinkes to play the thundering God,
And make the world admire his Ryvall's fall.
But sease, fond Mars, to make the world to wonder,
Ten thousand Lawrells save's our Mars from thunder.