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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath

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To Clarastella upon a favour received from her which she tied in my hat.

Madam! the favour I received from you
I have it in such high esteem
That men might justly deem
Me proud of it, 'cause to the open view,
I wear it alwaies in my hat,
There to be wondred at.


Ruling in chief there in bright Majestie
It doth command all caps to vail
And say to it, all hail:
As if they spi'd in that some Deitie,
The colours they are so divine
And with such raies do shine.
As forreign ships yield homage whey they see
Great Britains streamers spread on high
And purpling all the skie:
So when these Rosie royal colours be
Displaid, then each Spectatour knows
That they are yours, and bows.
Juno's gay bird boasts not so brave a plume
Nor in its greatest pride doth shine
Like this fair flow'r of thine.
Me thinks I look like Memnon, could assume
A generals place and overthrow
Englands resisting foe.
A Hector fit for Mars or Venus war
Under these colours I could fight
Me thinks both day and night;
Attempt bold deeds, kil those my rivals are,
And through revenge on each black tongue
That shal thy honour wrong.
Wonder not at this valour! for I know
Under your favour, I would conquer you.