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[Great God, from Thee all Infinities do flow]

Great God, from Thee all Infinities do flow,
And by thy power from thence effects do grow.
Thou order'dst all degress of Matter, just,
As tis thy will, and pleasure, move it must.
And by thy Knowledge orderd'st all the Best;
For in thy Knowledge doth thy Wisdome rest.
And wisdome cannot order things amisse,
For where disorder is, no wisdome is.
Besides, great God, thy wil is just, for why,
Thy will still on thy wisdome doth rely.
O pardon Lord, for what I here now speak,
Upon a guesse, my knowledge is but weak.
But thou hast made such Creatures, as Man-kind,
And giv'st them something, which we call a Minde;
Alwaies in Motion, never quiet lyes,
Untill the Figure of his body dies.
His severall thoughts, which severall Motions are,
Do raise up love, hopes, joyes, doubts, and feare.


As love doth raise up hope, so feare doth doubt,
Which makes him seek to finde the great God out.
Selfe-love doth make him seek to finde, if he
Came from, or shall last to eternity.
But Motion being slow, makes knowledge weake,
And then his thoughts 'gainst Ignorance doth beat.
As fluid waters 'gainst hard Rocks do flow,
Break their soft streames, and so they backward go.
Just so do thoughts, and then they backward slide
Unto the place where first they did abide.
And there in gentle murmurs do complaine,
That all their care, and labour is in vain.
But since none knowes the great Creator, must
Man seek no more, but in his goodnesse trust.