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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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[You, who ending neuer saw]

You , who ending neuer saw
Of pleasures best delighting,
You that cannot wish a thaw.
Who feeles no frost of spighting,
Keeping Cupids hand in awe,
That sees but by your lighting.
Bee not still too cruell bent
against a soule distressed,
Whose heart loue long since hath rent,
And pittilesse oppressed:
But let malice now be spent,
And former ills redressed.
Grieue I doe for what is past,
Let fauour then be granted,
Theeues by iudgement to dye cast,
Haue not of mercy wanted;
But alone at feasts I fast,
As Thiefe of pleasure scanted:
You accuse me that I stole
From you your hearts directing,
All your thoughts at my controule,
Yet passions still reiecting;
But you place me in the roule
Of left loues new electing.
Though I kinder was to it,
My heart in place bestowing,
To make roome for yours more fit,
As iust exchange truth flowing,


Till you fondly gain'd the bit,
And flying, left loue owing.
Which debt resting still vnpaid,
Let this at last be gained,
When your new loues haue you staid,
With welcome choyce obtained:
Let change on your brest be laid,
While I liue still vnstained.