University of Virginia Library


Sonetto. 2.

[Farewell my hope thy hap did thee not steede]

Farewell my hope thy hap did thee not steede,
And thou my hap vnhappie come to mee,
Farewell my trust which voide wast of all meede,
And thou heart-sore attend my miserie,
Farewell my hold which wast to stronge to hold,
And thou my ruine welcome to my gaine,
Farewell my life which dead are in my mould,
And life no life torment my hart with paine.
Farewell my chiefe that conquerst with thy looke,
And thraldome I appeale to riue my heart,
Farewell my thought, thy thought she will not brooke,
Yet thinke I will for that I feele the smart.
Farewell my choise I lastly doe thee chuse,
I cannot chuse another to my will:
Farewell my comfort comfortles o muse,
And sorrowe weake thy wrath my ioy to spill.
Farewell long stay for winde to fill thy sayle,
Come banishment. Adieû, loue must preuayle.