Columbia's glory | ||
And O may LIBERTY, seraphic queen,
O'er the whole earth extend her fostr'ing wings,
Diffuse her blessings and the nations screen
From the mad rage and violence of kings
Alas! how many creatures thou hast made,
Poor petty gods of mortal birth,
Falsely stil'd sov'reigns here on earth,
With arrogant parade
And sacrilegious pride,
Usurp the rights of heav'n,
To dust-form'd man deny'd,
And with base cruelty invade
The birth-right THOU to all mankind hast giv'n!
O THOU, the only rightful sov'reign, God!
Cause those encroachers to forsake betimes
Their impious and unrighteous crimes,
Or of their deeds just vengeance take;
Challenge thy own prerogative and break
The tyrant's sceptre and th'oppressor's rod.
O'er the whole earth extend her fostr'ing wings,
Diffuse her blessings and the nations screen
From the mad rage and violence of kings
Alas! how many creatures thou hast made,
Poor petty gods of mortal birth,
Falsely stil'd sov'reigns here on earth,
With arrogant parade
And sacrilegious pride,
Usurp the rights of heav'n,
To dust-form'd man deny'd,
And with base cruelty invade
The birth-right THOU to all mankind hast giv'n!
O THOU, the only rightful sov'reign, God!
Cause those encroachers to forsake betimes
Their impious and unrighteous crimes,
Or of their deeds just vengeance take;
Challenge thy own prerogative and break
The tyrant's sceptre and th'oppressor's rod.
Columbia's glory | ||