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BLESSED are they whose hearts and heads are full
Of golden legends of the olden time,
What is well tried need not be tried again.
For they shall walk through life as in a dream,
And rocks and grass and grain shall all be charmed.
Were bird-songs needless, birds would never sing.
Know'st thou the story how the bearded wheat,
Man's friendliest food, came unto earth with him?
Who knows what destiny runs by his own?
When Adam fell with Eve from Eden's bowers
No spirit of the flowers would go to earth.
Those who have fallen keep no rising friends.
Only the wheat, which hitherto was held
Of little worth, went to the world with them.
Who knows what bough may save a drowning man?
Bread is the staff of life, and wheat the type;
As man is buried, so the wheat is sown.
The ancient sacrament is bread and wine.
Think of all this when next you sow or reap,
Or gather into barns the golden grain.
No work was ever hindered yet by song.