University of Virginia Library

Bike Solutions

Dear Sir:

The purpose of this letter is to
hopefully give a plausible solution
to a problem which needs to be
corrected immediately. Specifically,
I am referring to the mass
confusion of bikes, pedestrians, and
cars on McCormick Road.

The following are suggestions to
the mass confusion
on McCormick Road:

1) Construct speed bumps every
50 yards down McCormick Road.

2) Construct signs at the
Alderman Road-McCormick Road
intersection and at the Emmet
ramp-McCormick Rd. Intersection
saying "Slow-speed bumps- 15

3) Situate stop lights at the
above mentioned intersections and
at the intersection just beyond the
bridge crossing Emmet. Street
(toward the law school).

4) Raise the minimum G.P.A.
required of students to have cars
from 2.0 to 2.4 (these suggestions
may be unpopular, but possibly
some compromise could be found).

5) Establish bike paths
sectioned off from the roadway
not only by a white line but also a
bridge in the road. This would in
effect be a small curb. These curbs
are found in England and seem to
work well.

These suggestions may merit
reading and reading only. I do not
think so. To me a human life is
worth more than $1.42 in different
chemical elements-especially my

Walter D. Johnson
College 3