University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I find it somewhat strange that
two fourth-year college gentlemen
(Robin Lind and William A. Wilson)
feel themselves qualified to criticize
the School of Education.

Mr. Lind proffered evidence
based apparently on education as it
was when today's high school
students were affected by it. He
assumes that entering first-yearmen
have all been taught by UVA
School of Education alumni.

Mr. Wilson's data came from a
very select sample of his own
design. His comments seem infected
with a strange disease known as
Wahoo Wit which is know to be
fatal only to the audience.

I would like to offer these
gentlemen the opportunity for valid
research on which to base their
criticism. To use Mr. Lind's folksy
approach let them get off "their
backsides" and stroll over from
Cabell Hall and find out what is
current in the School of Education.
I would find it a distinct pleasure to
assist these two gentlemen in their

Helen W. Deason
Grad. Ed.