University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

The Aluminumizing Of Virginia

Dear Sir:

In our first week as Virginia
gentlemen, we have come to cherish
the traditions so dear to the hearts
of the Wahoos. We are truly
enveloped by the feeling of
community which pervades Mr.
Jefferson's university. However, we
fear there is a conspiracy afoot. Yes
Wahoos, there are traitors amongst

On the evening of September
the fifteenth, as we leisurely
strolled through the Lile-Maupin
area, we came upon a film festival. At
its conclusion, we could not help
but notice the sparkling of beer
cans, wine, and whiskey bottles in
the moonlight. "Ah Hah!" we
exclaimed. "There is a conspiracy

Our intention is not to accuse any
particular group of conspiracy to
"aluminumize" the grounds. We
only hope to enlighten our fellow
Wahoos to the dangers which
surround us. We believe that the
ladies and gentlemen of the
University of Virginia will set an
example for the small minority of
students who insist upon littering
our home. Charlottesville may be
boring, but it's beautiful.

Observatory Hill Assn. Ecology Club

Everett Garber
Howard Pape
Mark Vandenberg
Michael Terpak
College 1