University of Virginia Library

Quiet Water

Conditions on the water were
excellent for all races, the placid
Rivanna an oarsman's dream.
Unfortunately, overcast skies and
occasional drizzle caused some
spectators to leave early. Those that
remained, however, were treated to
a surprise singles race, as Virginia's
Monk Terry challenged Tar Heel
Lloyd Miller, a seventh-place
finisher at this year's Head of the
Charles Regatta in Boston.

Terry, an Olympic oarsman at
Mexico City and the current U.S.
coxed and coxless pairs champion,
was making his local debut as a
sculler. The graduate business
student admitted to being
unprepared for the race and to
having steering problems, as he lost
to Miller by open water. Ned
Northrop, a fine Virginia sculler
who defeated Miller last year by an
impressive margin, was forced to
withdraw from the race due to
equipment problems.