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McGill, who took office as
Columbia's third president in three
years last fall, said. "This is my
finest act in office, to bring peace
and the American way to our little
world here."

Meanwhile, Alphonse T.
D'Ambrosia, Local 79 president of
the Garment Welders' Union Hall,
told a press conference that his
union is offering its services to any
other universities or colleges that
may desire them.

"President Nixon said he isn't
gonna be da foist president to lose a
war," said he, "and we ain't gonna
let any punks give aid and comfert
to the enemy."

(Here in Charlottesville, an aide
to controversial PR man Paul
Saunier admitted the University is
considering the union offer).

A spokesman for the
DienBienPhu Family, a newcomer
group of revolutionaries on campus,
countered Mr. D'Ambrosia's
statement by saying "Well, we ain't
gonna be the first freshman class at
Columbia to take final exams,