University of Virginia Library

Provost Shannon

Stormy controversies, flashy rhetoric, and
Sophistic reasoning to make the worst appear
the best have usually characterized the
infighting within the Faculty of Arts and
Sciences, an often volatile group that appears
sedate only to outsiders. Dean David Allen
Shannon has ridden the helm since 1969.
During that time he guided the faculty
through the first major curriculum reform in
twenty years and maintained a functioning,
productive body through heated debates on
the most "relevant" issues: ROTC and the
demonstrations resulting from involvement in
Southeast Asia.

Besides being an objective and capable
Administrator in leading the proceedings of
the faculty, Dean Shannon's efforts have
helped the University's quality of education
to markedly rise during his tenure. Dean
Shannon also demonstrated understanding
and compassion towards students through his
untiring efforts along with many of his
faculty colleagues during last spring's strike.
We believe that he holds a firm loyalty for the
University and a willingness to sacrifice in an
effort to improve that many do not develop
during much longer stays on the Grounds.

We applaud his selection as Vice-President
and Provost for the University. In this
position he will be largely responsible for
overseeing and leading all of the faculties of
the University and directing the academic
thrust of the institution. He will hopefully
continue the academic climb that retiring
Provost Frank Hereford captained, a climb
which has made the University a more
intense, dynamic academic and intellectual

As the University faces increasing
problems connected with mushrooming
growth, Provost Shannon's job will become
more critical. With a scarcity of funds and a
crowding of numbers he will face the tough
challenge of keeping the University on the
track of academic excellence. We are
confident that he can meet this challenge
successfully. Our only regret is that he will be
leaving his position as Dean of the Faculty.
Who will keep them from each other's necks?