University of Virginia Library

Elegant Departure

The entire film is beautifully
photographed, but the ending is
especially so. Starting with the
elegant departure of Louise, each
shot seems more exciting than the
one before. It all ends with a
curtain-call in a baroque nightmare
of a circus, which still continues the
running jokes of the film and
suggests additional readings of the

I could go on talking about the
film, at least through the end of the
class you're now sitting in. I could
tip you off about some of the
obscure jokes or discuss various
readings you might consider when
watching the film. To do any more
than I have done already would
definitely spoil the film. "Brewster
McCloud" is one of those films that
makes me laugh hysterically, yet
still has a touch of warm
compassion that almost makes me
cry. I can only encourage you to
see "Brewster McCloud" soon and
not wait for your best friend to sell
it to you.

(Now at the Cinema)