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Making It

Frank Sinatra plays the rather
degenerate Dirty Dingus. He calls
himself an "ass breaker," and he is,
in more ways than one, for the
majority of his film time is spent
running from someone, or "making
it" with someone else. What he
does on the screen can scarcely be
labeled "acting"; the only thing
which separates the off-screen Sinatra
from the on-screen Sinatra is his
brunette wig.

George Kennedy performs well
as the small-towner Holk, who
wears ill-fitting suits with great
flair. He also smokes cigars in his
usual style, but his acting is secondary
to what the writers would like
to call a plot.

Anne Jackson comes off well as
Belle, the owner of the town's
whorehouse and, in addition, the
mayor. She plays the part with
case, but tends to be a little too
harsh rather than a little too hard.