University of Virginia Library


But surely the U.Va. student
body will not take it lying down or
freaking out. Despite the priorities
of the Paviloneers, we should
demand nothing less from ourselves
than responsible self-government;
we should demand nothing less
from ourselves than an effort to
understand the diametric polarities
of D. Alan Williams and Tom
Doran, we should realize that
accepting rules from above legitimates
rule from above, that in a
"community of scholars" we rule

It is a shame that the administration
feels it is more efficacious to
help the students by devising a new
code than by considering ways we
can help America re-order its priorities.
The administration's real concern
for a just and more humane
society is camouflaged by its
methods. The message their
emphasis makes is clear — repression
and law'n order, not remedial
action and justice, are paramount
answers to social ills and the
protests they engender. Until we
can get beyond the stage of telling
each other how to act and instead
can create together methods to
build a better society, our education
will be incomplete.