University of Virginia Library

Free Doran First

Dear Sir:

It seems that Student Council
was more than willing to jump on
the bandwagon started at Kent
State on Tuesday. Student Council
has agreed to "solicit signatures for
a petition calling for a Federal
Grand Jury investigation of the
indictment, collect for the defense
of the indicted students and faculty
members, and call a mass meeting
on Thursday to plan workshops,
meetings and speakers on Friday."
All this comes about because of the
indictment of twenty-five people
from Kent State as a result of their
actions last May.

But has Student Council called
for an investigation of the
indictments and arrest of Tom
Doran as a result of his actions last
May? Has Student Council helped to
collect money for Tom Doran's
defense fund? Has Student Council
called for a mass rally to plan
workshops and meetings? Does this
imply that Student Council is not
as concerned about violations of
"civil liberties" as it seems to be?

Tom Doran was arrested as a
result of his alleged activities during
the strike last May, but there was
no big uproar from Student Council
when he was indicted again last
month. Doesn't Student Council
care? Or are they only interested in
the publicity they might get by
being part of a national action?

If Student Council wants to
"show the entire nation that
students have unity and strength
and that this violation of civil
liberties shouldn't happen in
America," why don't they do
something about the local issues


Mike Smith
Circulation Ass't.
Medical Library