University of Virginia Library


MAKE-up Examination for International
Relations 152 will be hold
Friday from 3-6 PM in Cabell Hall.

Evening Dell-Dinner at 6:00 PM;
phone 295-4963 for reservations.
Evening Service at 6:45 PM.

JEFFERSON Society presents Prof.
James Childress speaking on "Civic
Disobedience", Jefferson Hall, West
Range. Regular meeting, 7:29 PM.

ROCK CONCERT 7-12 Ballroom,
$1.00 Serpentine Wall, Reflexions,
and Crystal.

DEADLINES: Entry deadlines for
High Point League: Touch Football,
Volleyball, Tennis, Handball,
3-Man Basketball, Sigma Delta Psi;
are all due by 4:00 PM Friday Sept.

JEFFERSON Society presents Prof.
James Childress speaking on "Civil
Disobedience, 8:00 PM. Jefferson
Hall. West Range. Regular meeting,
7:29 PM

ALL Students (men and women)
interested in working for the 1971
Corks and Curls must sign up by
Today, for interviews. Come by
from 2-5. 5th Floor, Newcomb

SIGMA XI Luncheon Meeting, 1:00
PM Parlor, Newcomb Hall. W.R.
Johnson, Nuclear Engineering, will
introduce this years lectures series
on the environment.

Non-members welcome.

LSAT Applicants: Sept.25 is
dead-line to file for early fall LSAT
exam. Application forms may be
picked up at the Placement Office.

NOTICE of Make-up exam for
Physics 10 Sept. 25, 5:00 PM Rm
203. Physics building. (Dr. Lenz
and Dr. Pierre) LSAT Applicants.

All students are invited to the
opening of New College Center at
Sweet Br College Friday Night at
8:00. Live bands and free food will
be available, and beer and wine may
be purchased at the center at reasonable

The make-up examination for International
Relations 152 will be held
Friday, Sept. 25 from 3-6PM in
room Cabell Hall 226.

HELP. Come to NY - Help At
Lowenstein. Bus and Cars leaving
3:00PM Today in front of Rod
cost of trip, partially defrayed