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'Obnoxious Peers' Go To A Movie
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Letters To The Editor

'Obnoxious Peers' Go To A Movie

Dear Sir:

I often wondered what had
become of the crowd that made the
Janis Joplin concert all that it
was...but I found Friday night that
the crowd of "University gentlemen"
is still very much in existence.

Our obnoxious peers came out
of hiding from their frat houses, or
wherever, long enough to make
complete assholes of themselves at
the Friday night free movies at the
Paramount downtown.

I wonder what these infants are
doing at the University...

Chris Ware
College 1
Dear Sir:

I give up; I'm converted. How
could anyone fail to be, so cogent
and logical was David Giltinan's
rhetoric in part 1 of his "I've Been
Radicalized" article in last Friday's
edition of The Cavalier Daily. Such
eloquent phrases as "Fuck war...
heavy as with the mother
fucker" could not fail to convince
all but the most narrow-minded of

Like Mr. Giltinan, I deplore the
over serious, super-ideological, and
downright boring nature of the
politics which presently holds sway
over this University. Why should we
waste our time reading political
treatises, discussing various viewpoints,
and otherwise improving
our minds and justifying our
causes? Who needs a purpose, a
reason, an ideal? Why think?
Revolutions do not require advocates
with brains. Overthrowing
governments is just plain fun.

I was glad to note Mr. Giltinan's
tacit admission concerning the
ultimate aim of the revolutionary
movements presently active in the
United States: communism a la
Lenin. Why shouldn't we scrap our
government outright? What has our
socio-political system ever given us,
besides the highest standard of
living and the greatest measure of
personal freedom enjoyed by any
large society in the history of man?
Let us imitate those who have been
infinitely more successful than we:
the leaders of the USSR. We all
know how well off the Russian
people are.

Two decades from now, when
we see Mr. Giltinan's smiling face
on the Supreme Presidium of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of
the United States, we will know
why. But then it will be too late.

Lee Breakiron
College 4
Dear Sir:

I cannot think of more appropriate
words to describe Part 1 of
David Giltinan's series than the
words offered by the author himself,
"...takes itself terribly seriously,
is absurdly rhetorical, hopelessly
unspontaneous, and generally boring
as hell."

As far as the CD printing such
unadulterated tripe, I can only
express my disappointment at seeing
another new low reached on the
CD's editorial page.

Robert P. Bordogna
GSBA '70
Dear Sir:

We are upset about your Friday
editorial on the Student Body
President and Vice-President
elections. You don't mention the
possibility that one of the reasons
why Kevin Mannix doesn't have
any opposition might be that Mr.
Mannix has an excellent record of
fulfilling his campaign promises and
should be a tough candidate to

As College students, we feel that
Kevin Mannix and Tony Sherman
have worked very hard to further
the best interests of the University.
We think they have represented us
well. Look at the record:
curriculum reform, black
recruitment, co-education, the new
Council constitution, and much
more. As College representatives,
they have worked hard for
considerable benefits for
undergraduates, including Lawn
parking privileges, first year cars,
student control of parietal rules, a
First Year Council, etc.

It seems very hypocritical to us
that Mr. Fryer should condemn
members of the University
community for falling to seek an
office which he himself was
fortunate enough to receive a
nomination for yet which he was
unwilling to accept.

Larry Brandes
College 3
Paul Lewis
College 1