University of Virginia Library

Editorial Comments

Dear Sir:

The front page of The Cavalier Daily is
not the place for editorial comment -
rather it is the place for reporting the news.
The headline story on the gubernatorial
candidates is a gross misrepresentation of
the facts - whatever the reporter may
personally think about the candidates
should not distort his reporting. If he
cannot suppress his personal political preferences,
perhaps he should not be the one to
cover political stories. The Cavalier Daily
has an obligation to the university community
to report the news - and the news
should be reported as objectively as
possible. Veracity is still a constraint on a
free press.

Martha J. Plummer
Grad. Bus. 1

We would certainly agree that the front
page of a newspaper should be reserved for
objective reporting and not editorial comment.
However, we fall to see, and you fail
to point out, any gross misrepresentation of
facts in the story in question.
