University of Virginia Library

The Bust

We drove to my dormitory and
went up to my room. I took the
bag of marijuana and turned to
give it to the campus cops, but just
then the city cop burst into the
room and grabbed it out of my
hand. Then he searched my room
trying to find more drugs. He
picked up my bottle of vitamin pills
and looked at them suspiciously.
He took one out and broke it
open and tasted it. Then he decided
that they were indeed, vitamin pills.

He took me down to the station
and booked me on possession of
dangerous drugs. That meant that I
could get five years, and a $10,000
fine. He questioned me for three
hours. I found out that he had just
been promoted and that he thought
he would get another promotion if
he broke up the "college dope
ring," which he thought I was part
of, if not the ringleader.

He told me he would make a
deal with me if I "co-operated" and
exposed the pushers. I told him
that I bought the marijuana from
a man who approached me in a
public washroom and offered to sell
me an ounce for $13. The cop
didn't believe me, but after several
hours of convincing him, he did. He
was disappointed that he hadn't
broken the "dope ring," and all he
succeeded in doing was getting me
in a lot of trouble. He said he was
sorry and that he would try to help

At my hearing the charge against
me was reduced to a misdemeanor
My roommate who is back in
school, is also facing the same