University of Virginia Library


The next article, "Why Colleges
Are Revolting," does little more
than thrust the blame of the Colombia
student rebellion on the
"Biggees," better known as the
Establishment. According to Mr.
Kunen who wrote the article for
the "Atlantic Monthly," the rebellion
was "set in motion by a nebulous

group of outsiders who are
variously known as the corporate
power elite, the military-industrial
complex, the Establishment." The
viewpoint expressed by this article
is interesting, and perhaps representative
of the student rebels at
Colombia, or Wisconsin, or even

Following "Education and Culture,"
which again harps on the
importance of alleviating power
structure oppression and revolutionizing
our present institutions, is
an interesting and informative article
on Marijuana. Although the
subject itself is quite passe, it is
rehashed here, presumably for
those who wish to grow, harvest,
cure, and smoke it. By the way, if
you're tired of TV dinners a toothsome
recipe for Majoun accompanies
the pot article.