University of Virginia Library

Lauderdale Letter

To: All students planning to visit Fort Lauderdale, Florida during the
Spring Holidays 1969

From: R. H. Bubier, City Manager, City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our city
and sincerely hope that your stay will be a pleasant and memorable

In order that neither you, nor the city incur any unpleasantness, the
following suggestions and policies have been instituted and will be
adhered to unequivocally.

1. Do not come to Fort Lauderdale unless you definitely have a
confirmed housing reservation. Our policies and ordinances prohibit
sleeping in automobiles and/or sleeping in the open. Campers or trailers
are not permitted to park on the beach. If this type vehicle is to be used
as living quarters it must be parked in a trailer park specifically licensed
for this purpose.

2. All the laws that govern the conduct of the individual will be
enforced. A person must be 21 years of age in order to purchase or
consume alcohol. Persons guilty of intoxication, (it should be noted
that drinking in the open is not permitted) narcotics, use of false
identification, creating unnecessary noise, or any other form of
disorderly conduct and any other unlawful act, will be arrested and
prosecuted. Violations of the traffic code will result in apprehension
and prosecution of the offender.

3. Parents and school officials of any and all students arrested during
this period will be officially notified.

Students should be aware of the fact that persons who are arrested
and convicted on any charge will have established a permanent and
sometimes criminal record against themselves which could have a
detrimental influence later in life.

It is the feeling of the City Commission, this office and all of the
city departments involved that if your conduct while in Fort
Lauderdale is governed by the aforementioned guidelines, then your
vacation will indeed be a pleasant one.

R. H. Bubier, City Manger