University of Virginia Library


in Conference Room of Newcomb
Hall, 12 noon-2 p.m.

THE LAST DAY for entering
the oratorical category of the Fine
Arts Contest has been extended
until today, the day before the
contest. The speeches, on "Changes
for the University in the Future"
will be delivered tomorrow at 8
p.m. in Newcomb Hall.

DEPT. of Astronomy and
NRAO are sponsoring a talk by Dr.
Thomas Any speaking on "Star
Formation in Interstellar Clouds"
at 4 p.m. in 110 Gilmer Hall.

IMPORTANT meeting of the
Alderman Rd. Committee at 6:30
p.m. in the Webb House conference
room. All members are urged to

TAU BETA PI rush smoker at
7:30 p.m. Informal Lounge, Newcomb

SDS presents Blase Bonpane
speaking on "Guatemala: Our Latin
Vietnam." 8 p.m., South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall.

MEETING for all Alderman Rd.
Committee chairmen at 9 p.m.,
Webb House Lounge.

ORG. meeting of Undergraduate
Economics Club at 7 p.m., room
4C, Newcomb Hall.

WINE TASTING will be held in
The Rotunda - NOT Newcomb
Hall Ballroom (for those who have
tickets). Tickets are no longer available.