The Cavalier daily. Tuesday, September 24, 1968 | ||
Unfair Attack
I feel compelled to write this
letter in response to your editorial
"Words, No Forum" in the
September 19 issue of the C.D.
Your attack on Mr. Schenkkan
seems to me most unfortunate and
unfair. I attended the debate on the
Honor System and I saw no
evidence that he was being, as you
accuse, destructive. I would like to
point out that I was more in
sympathy with Mr. Trent's
arguments than those of Mr.
Schenkkan, but I think both
debaters were reasonable and
intelligent in their approaches.
Mr. Schenkkan's criticism of
Dean Woody's address, which you
condemned as equating Mr. Woody
with the Honor System, seems
relevant because, after all, to many
people on the Grounds, Dean
Woody is the symbol of the Honor
System. And as for your comment
that Mr. Schenkkan appeared intent
upon winning the debate, I was not
aware of it at the time and Mr.
Trent did not appear to be either.
Mr. Schenkkan certainly touched at
the heart of the greatest institution
at this University, but his
comments were hardly destructive.
He was, after all, debating against
the Honor System in its present
form. What did you expect?
College 3
The Cavalier daily. Tuesday, September 24, 1968 | ||