University of Virginia Library

Bad Check Committee

During the past month, the Bad Check Committee has been
faced with a higher incidence of bad checks than in any month
previous, as well as growing dissatisfaction from the banks, merchants
and Bursar's Office as to the number of bad checks
cashed. During the past month, the Committee has felt it necessary
to recommend suspension for two students due to their negligence
with regard to checking accounts. The situation is indeed very
serious. Ignorance of the policies of the Bad Check Committee
is not considered an excuse for uncorrected errors. A review of
our policies seems to be necessary.

If a student receives notice from his bank of a bad check,
he should immediately contact the Secretary of the Bad Check
Committee in Garrett Hall. The Committee grants the student
five days to tend to the bad check and report his payment in
Garrett Hall. If satisfactory settlement is not made within these
five days, the student must appear before the Committee and present
his case. By simply clearing up the matter in the five days
after the bank notice is received, the student may avoid appearing
before the Committee.

Having recently assumed the duties of Chairman of the Committee,
I feel it is necessary to remind all students to be especially
cautious of their balance in the final month of the school
year. Many students at this time find that their balances are
extremely low. The Bursar's Office will continue to be notified
of any bad checks after May 19, though the Bad Check Committee
will not function after that date. In order to prevent
your final grades from being withheld should you cash a bad
check, clear the matter up at the Bursar's Office before June
4. I cannot overemphasize the importance of mindfulness to your
accounts in this last month. Please help yourself and the Committee
by a simple investigation of your account.

Al Vermeire, Chairman
Bad Check Committee