University of Virginia Library

Name 'Little Man'

Dear Sir:

As an undergraduate Economics
major who is justly proud of the
excellent reputation of his department
and equally concerned with
its reputation five years hence, I
call upon the officers of the Graduate
Economics Club to publicly
name the people in the administration,
including the "little man in
his," whose
actions and motives in wrecking
our Economics Department have
earned them the avalanche of
criticism that is forthcoming. An
administration is too vague to attack,
specific men are not.

To attract and induce prominent
faculty such as Professor Buchanan
to settle in Charlottesville, hardly
a cultural mecca in anyone's book,
requires benefits such as country
club memberships and gravities
such as free passes to athletic
contests in addition to higher
salaries than competing institutions
are willing to pay. In this
respect the University even lags
behind such academic strongholds
as the University of South Alabama.
I hope that somebody wakes
up and realizes that the city of
Charlottesville by itself won't act
as the magnet to draw and keep
scholars here before we lose all
of our Professor Buchanans.

Robert Sterling
College 4