University of Virginia Library

Second Accident

Dear Sir:

Last Wednesday evening another
University student was struck by
a car while crossing Emmett Street.
The incident is but one of many
such cases. As an academic advisor
to first-year students the accident
is of great interest to me,
since for the second time in less
than a year a student in my
dormitory association has been hit
by a car in that same pedestrian

It is ironical that the night the
student was hit the Governor of
Virginia conferred upon the city
of Charlottesville a pedestrian
safety citation—no fatalities in one
year. No fatalities, only two University
students with broken legs!
The city and the University are
lucky that there have been no
fatalities, since most of the 1300
first-year men cross that street at
least once every day. The number
of near-accidents I personally have
witnessed there is frightening.

While I realize that the construction
of a pedestrian bridge
is being considered, I fail to see
why another set of caution lights
cannot be installed immediately.
Since the bypass is now open for
north-south thru traffic, there
seems to be no reason why a
push-button stop light cannot be

Another improvement might be
made, and that is regular police
patrolling of the Emmett Street
area. Neither the University nor
the city does this. In the three
years I have been in graduate
school here, I have yet to see a
policeman issue a speeding ticket.
The University alone has enough
policemen to patrol a small city,
but all they ever do is give $1.00
parking tickets.

Ronald E. Shibley
Grad A&S