University of Virginia Library


Head of the Department of Surgery and Gynecology - Salary from the University, $15,000.00;
fees from limited private practice credited to the department, not to individual.

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine - Salary from the University, $15,000.00; fees
from limited private practice credited to the department, not to individual.

Salary scale of other faculty members, exclusive of those in the Departments of Clinical
Pathology, Roentgenology, Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, where special arrangements obtain.

Professor  $5,000 University salary plus limit of $15,000
from private practice. 
Associate Professor  $4,000 University salary plus limit of $8,000
from private practice. 
Assistant Professor  $3,000 University salary plus limit of $5,000
from private practice. 

All professors of grades Full, Associate, and Assistant are required to contribute 20% of
current earnings from private practice for running expense of their respective departments, including
support of research.

The annual surpluses above ceilings from private practice earnings are to be allowed to
accumulate and remain intact to be placed in a common fund from which to draw for the improvement and
development of the Medical School as a whole. All financial transactions must clear through the Office
of the Bursar.

And be it further -

RESOLVED that the salaries of all employees of medical departments other than doctors be
brought in line with the State Classification plan for such employees.


Session July 1, 1948 to July 1, 1949

Present Salary  Full Professors  Recommended Salary 
(1947-48)  (1948-49) 
$10,000  Dr. Lehman  $15,000 
5,000  Dr. Morton  5,000 
5,000  Dr. Drash  5,000 
4,500  Prof. of Obstetrics  5,000 
3,000  Dr. Smith  5,000 
5,000  Dr. Mulholland  5,000 
5,000  Dr. Wood  5,000 
5,000  Dr. Swineford  5,000 
5,000  Dr. Blackford  5,000 
3,000  Dr. Crutchfield  5,000 
1,500  Dr. Vest  5,000 
4,000  Dr. Waddell  5,000 
4,250  Dr. Wilson  5,000 
Dr. Archer  5,000 
Associate Professors 
4,000  Dr. William Parker  4,000 
3,000  Dr. Nokes  4,000 
Dr. Cooper  4,000 
Dr. Frankel  4,000 
Dr. Martines  4,000 
600  Dr. Warren  4,000 
2,400  Dr. Birdsong  4,000 
(From Neuro. and Psych.)  Dr. Klingman  4,000 
Assistant Professors 
5,300*  Dr. White  3,000* 
3,000  Dr. Sandusky  3,000 
Dr. Thornton  3,000 
3,000  Dr. Leavell  3,000 
Dr. Holland  3,000 


Full Professors  Associate Professors  Assistant Professors 
$ 5,000  Dr. Lehman  $ 1,000  Dr. Nokes  $3,000  Dr. Thornton 
500  Obstetrics  4,000  Dr. Cooper  3,000  Dr. Holland 
2,000  Dr. Smith  4,000  Dr. Frankel  $6,000 
2,000  Dr. Crutchfield  4,000  Dr. Martines  2,300*  less, Dr. White 
3,500  Dr. Vest  3,400  Dr. Warren  $3,700 
1,000  Dr. Waddell  1,600  Dr. Birdsong 
750  Dr. Wilson  $18,000 
5,000 Dr. Archer 
TOTAL  $19,750  Full Professors 
18,000  Associate Professors 
3,700  Assistant Professors 