University of Virginia Library

B-Ball Blues

Dear Sir:

While recognizing the strain
placed on facilities due to
overcrowding, we still feel that
the irresponsible treatment
exhibited by the intramural
office towards our intramural
team was inexcusable. It is a
sad commentary on the
problems caused by expansion
when students wishing to
participate in intramurals
cannot because, "there are too
many teams."

After applying under the
extended deadline for
independent B basketball, we
made the assumption that we
were legitimately registered
having received no information
to the contrary. When we went
down to play what we believed
to be our first game, we
discovered that our team was
not on the schedule or the
master list. A call to the
intramural office answered our
questions. The teams entered
under the extended deadline
were dropped because, "there
were too many teams." These
teams were dropped without a
single word of explanation. We
feel that having extended the
deadline, the intramural office
assumed the responsibility of
accommodating those students
whom they deprived of

We are upset not only at not
being able to compete but also
about over-expansion of which
this is but a small example. The
lack of consideration and
responsibility on the part of
the intramural office is
inexcusable especially when
one takes note of the purpose
of intramurals as stated in the
intramural Handbook, "to
offer every student an
opportunity to engage in sports
or some sort of recreation."

The Bay Area Bombers
Brian Moran
Rob Wipperman
Bob Lazansky
Eric Nissen
John McGinley
Bill Lindlaw
Stephen Judd
Tony Clark