University of Virginia Library

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Jefferson's fine arts library

his selections for the University of Virginia, together with his own architectural books
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17. Builders' Prices.

Builders' Prices, Philadelphia, Washington, and Pittsburgh. [Philadelphia?,

Not now owned by the University.

The secrecy which surrounded price books and their destruction through
use in computing their owners' estimates make them some of the most
difficult of books to find. Their use, however, was widespread. In a letter
of January 26, 1819, now in the University collection, from Alexander
Garrett to Jefferson, it is stated, for example, that James Dinsmore
agreed to work by Latrobe's price book.


Page 43

This title, otherwise identified only as an octavo, is from the 1829
sale catalogue, lot 243, and was in Jefferson's library at the time of his
death. It was not ordered for the University.