University of Virginia Library

I. Biology and Agriculture

Biology C1: Evolution and Heredity: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Evolution,
the theory and its history; the principles of heredity and their application
to human problems. Lecture only. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Lewis.

Biology C2: Genetics: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A study of the fundamental
principles of heredity, with special emphasis on their various applications
and on the origins and relations of characters. First and second terms only.
Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week.

Professor White.

Biology C3: Economic Plants: Biology B1 prerequisite.—A study of the
family groups of plants from the standpoint of their value to man. Lectures
and demonstrations, three hours per week. First and second terms only.

Professor White.

Biology C4: Plant Physiology: Biology B1 and Chemistry B1 prerequisite;
Chemistry B3 and Physics B1 recommended.
—A study of the underlying proceses
of plant life, dealing with the metabolism, reproduction and growth in
relation to environment. Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory
per week. Second and third terms.

Assistant Professor Davis.

Biology D1: Advanced Work in Genetics: Each student will be expected
to carry out original investigations bearing on problems in this field. Hours by

Professor White.

Biology D2: Advanced Plant Physiology: Biology C4 and Chemistry C3
prerequisite; Mathematics B2 recommended.
—Original investigation of some problem
in the field of plant physiology.

Assistant Professor Davis.