University of Virginia Library


  • A. A College hours.

    "A class period for college credit must be sixty (60) minutes
    with at least fifty (50) minutes in the clear for class room

  • B. Prerequisites set up by State Department for Special Certificates.

    • 1. Graduation from

      • a. an accredited high school, or

      • b. an accredited private secondary school.

    • 2. Two units of high school credits in the field of specialization.

      a. In the field of Home Economics evidence of skill may be
      accepted if high school units cannot be presented.

    • 3. Must be nineteen years of age.

    • 4. Six session hours of college work based upon two high
      school units represent two years of college work in a subject.
      The State Department of Education has used this as
      a basis for a Special Certificate to teach a specific subject in
      the high school.

    • 5. One session hour in Education may be substituted for one
      of the six required session hours for any special certificate.

    • 6. When a course in Education is used to complete six session
      hours' credit in any subject, this course should be directly
      related to the specific subject to which the credit is to
      be applied or to the general field of high school education.