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The Poetical Works of Robert Montgomery

Collected and Revised by the Author

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But through the quiet churchyard's elmy range
Unwatch'd she loved to roam; and there was seen
Like a pale Statue o'er some weed-grown tomb
To bend, and look as if she wept the dead;
And when the day-gleam faded o'er far hills
She gazed with such deep look, as Love would mark
Some parting smile, to treasure it when gone!
But when the yellow moonlight clad the air,
How from the window she the heavens would watch,
Till in her eye an adoration shone:
Sad Lady! then her thoughts in tears arose
And every tear ran burning from her heart!
Thus day by day her unpartaken grief
Was nursed, till sorrow grew a sleepless fire
That parch'd her soul. One evening while she mused,
And from her lattice read that starry lore
Which mourning Fancy half believes, her face
Grew lily-white; a languid murmur came;
Her head hung drooping like a laden flower,
And soft as sound her spirit fled to heaven!